How I got my children more culturally aware with their surrounding

We live in the Bay Area have we are fortunate to have our neighborhood to be somewhat diverse and experience different ethnic backgrounds. My family lives in a comfortable home with a safe neighbor surrounding us, but almost 60% of the family surrounding area is white. I truly understand the importance for my children to be culturally aware. The Bay Area is a giant melting pot of different race and every day you encounter someone with a different ethical, religion, or economic background.  When we travel, I try to point out the not so rivalry environment we take for granted every day.

When traveling, we use it as an opportunity to highlight the history and social development and economic/trade output of places we visit as a family.  I want my children to gain an experience and visually see that their lives relatively easy compared to others. I want them to gain the respect for others and learn that the way people want to be treated should the same as they treat others, individual. In an educational standpoint, traveling is a great opportunity to learn and absorb different cultural practices that were not traditionally custom to. It's a great way to relate to ancient civilizations and geography.

I wish the school my children attend shows more diversity within their circular. Today’s society, individuals can’t be so narrow-minded, and it's obvious that being narrow-minded will lead you to nowhere. I want my children to see the world and see that the stuff they’re handed isn’t free.