Blackjack Education

Lately, with the free time I have right now, I have been more active with the blog site to help generate more content. I’m hoping that you guys enjoy reading my opinion and a glimpse of my family’s life.  Ever since my husband started hosting poker games once a week at the house.  Even though the kids are not allowed in the men cave while they carry on, my children want to have their table and card game night.  Well, I am turning it into an opportunity to incorporate math rules, number and behavioral patterns, and mental math into the games!

Card games are the perfect example to help practice mental math and quick addition or subtract problems. On game nights, we either play a board game or blackjack.  Any game that involves education is a huge plus in our family.

I wish my parents incorporated more fun activates when I was little. Not only that I’m spending time with my kids, but it's through an educational process too. Killing two birds with one stone, I have to say. I wish my parents were this active when I was little, but my parents were always working and providing for the family. Depending on the generation gap, I’ve noticed my age; parents are spending more time with their children. Taking every opportunity in reading activities and fun, educational games.