Hacking Everyday


Our Family hacks for fun regardless if its educational purpose or everyday activities around the house. My definition of hacking is dissecting information and looking at that information in a different perspective. An example of that, for fun, when I was little I would take part old computer systems or CD players and try to put the components back together. It's always a rewarding experiencing to see yourself immersed with different technology especially in today generation. I’m laying these foundations now because it's competitive out there in the job market. If my children don’t have unique skills set or even skills that make them different to the other individuals. My kids won't even be able to be successful and live the life they dream of.

Being a nerd now isn’t looked down upon, but not being nerdy is the smartest thing to do. I try to pressure my children to be well rounded and not only solely focus on sports, but also hitting the books first. I think being book smart and work smart is the best choice to be ahead in the game.